
A Guide to Ram Ghat Chitrakoot

Ram Ghat, located on the banks of Mandakini River, is among the most visited religious destinations in Uttar Pradesh. Just like many other places in this district, it is believed to have played host to an episode from the mythological epic, Ramayana. Just find a spot on the stairs leading to the ghat and sit down for a while. You will feel the serenity in the air.

Ram Ghat, which is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Uttar Pradesh, is believed to be the place where Lord Rama, Goddess Sita and Lord Laxman held an elaborate conversation with Saint Goswami Tulsidas. This is a major reason why it occupies a special place in the hearts and minds of the people.

Though it may share several features with other ghats in India, there is one aspect in which it stands out from the others. The ghat offers boating facilities to the tourists, and you can find these boats lining the steps leading to the river. A massive statue of Lord Hanuman stands in one corner of thee ghat, blessing


How to Get More Results Out of Your Travel Dairies?

  1. Pick and choose your details. One reason my old travel journals were so boring were that I wrote down every single detail of every little thing I’d done each day of my trip. …
  2. Remember the people. …
  3. Add some visuals. …
  4. Be sensitive to the senses. …
  5. Don’t describe the sunset.

H1: Why We Love Traveling(And You Should,

  1.  Traveling offers the opportunity to embark on exciting adventures and explore unfamiliar territories. Whether it’s trekking through rugged landscapes, diving into vibrant cityscapes, or immersing yourself in remote cultures, every journey brings new discoveries and thrills.

  2.  Experiencing different cultures firsthand enriches our understanding of the world. From tasting local cuisine to participating in traditional ceremonies, traveling allows us to engage with diverse ways of life, fostering empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for cultural diversity.

H2: Traveling makes me more productive

  1. Novel Environments: Traveling often exposes you to new surroundings, which can stimulate creativity and fresh thinking. Different environments can spark new ideas and perspectives.

  2. Break from Routine: Stepping away from your daily routine through travel can break monotony and reinvigorate your mind. This break can lead to increased focus and productivity upon returning to your regular tasks.

  3. Time Management: When traveling, you often have a limited amount of time to accomplish tasks or experience activities. This can encourage better time management skills and a more focused approach to completing tasks.

H3: Travel expands my cultural bubble

Absolutely! Traveling is a fantastic way to broaden your perspectives and immerse yourself in different cultures. It exposes you to new languages, cuisines, traditions, and ways of life, helping you understand and appreciate the diversity of the world. By stepping out of your comfort zone and experiencing unfamiliar environments, you can gain valuable insights, challenge preconceptions, and foster empathy towards people from various backgrounds. Traveling not only expands your cultural awareness but also enriches your personal growth and enhances your ability to adapt to different situations.

H4: Fashion Therapy is not the same as vacation

Fashion therapy refers to the concept of using clothing and personal style as a means of self-expression and empowerment. It involves utilizing fashion choices to boost confidence, improve mood, and enhance self-image. This can include anything from wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident to using fashion as a form of creative expression and identity.

H6: I became a nomad by accident

  1. Career opportunities: Perhaps a job or project requires frequent travel or relocating to different places, leading you to adopt a nomadic lifestyle unintentionally.

  2. Personal circumstances: Changes in personal relationships, housing situations, or other life events can sometimes lead to a nomadic lifestyle, where you find yourself moving from place to place without a fixed home base.

  3. Travel experiences: Extended travels or backpacking adventures may evolve into a nomadic lifestyle as you discover the freedom and flexibility of living on the road.



Known as the ‘Place of Many Wonders’, Chitrakoot nestles in the northern Vindhya range of mountains and has enchanting places to visit. Chitrakoot mountain range includes Kamad Giri, Hanuman Dhara, Janki Kund, Lakshman pahari, and Devangana which are famous religious mountains. It is believed to have got its name owing to the presence of ‘Cheetal’ (deer) in the region.

The city is known to be of great religious and connection with Ramayanya. According to folklore, Lord Ram and Sita spent eleven of their fourteen years of exile in the deep jungles of Chitrakoot. Hanuman Dhara, Sphatikshila, Bharat Milap temple, Gupt Godavari, Janki Kund, Param Kutir and Ram Ghat are therefore major attractions and fascinating places to see in Chitrakoot.

You must not forget to witness the ‘Deep Daan festival’ at Ram Ghat during Diwali and special celebrations on Ram Navmi on your visit to Chitarkoot. Devotees and tourists gather in large numbers to be a part of these cherished events. A spiritual retreat, this town is also said to be the meditation shrine of many legendary sages and is believed to be frequently visited by Gods and Goddesses. The hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are believed to have taken their incarnation in this city.

Kamadgiri, Yagya Vedi and Anasuya Ashram are some more tourist places in Chitrakoot to be visited. A unique sense of spiritual wonder, Chitarkoot makes you reimagine the prehistoric past in the present

Things to Do and See in Chitrakoot

  • Explore Ramghat at the bank of Mandakini River in the evening where pilgrims are found floating mud candles into the river and Saints in deep meditation.

  • Go to see a place of prime religious importance i.e Kamadgiri, which is bordered by a chain of temples   and considered as the holy incarnation of Rama.

  • Bharat Milap is also a beautiful attraction in Chitrakoot to explore, which is supposed to be the land of popular Rama and Bharata meet held in history.

  • Janai Kund is another unmissable attraction in Chitrakoot which is located in the opposite direction from the Ramghat where it’s aforesaid that Sita took bath in the pristine water of Mandakini during her exile from the Rama.

  • Other places like Sati Anusuya Ashrama and Hanuman Dhara are also few attractions which should not be missed during your visit